J. Robert Ewbank
Born in 1934 of John R. (second generation Methodiist Minister and college professor) and Mattie R. (great believer in the author and world class psychologist) Ewbank.Have B.A. from Baker University in Baldwin (Psychology), Kansas and M.Div. from Garrett Evangelical Seminary in Evanston,...
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Born in 1934 of John R. (second generation Methodiist Minister and college professor) and Mattie R. (great believer in the author and world class psychologist) Ewbank.Have B.A. from Baker University in Baldwin (Psychology), Kansas and M.Div. from Garrett Evangelical Seminary in Evanston, Illinois.Have been a Methodist minister (10 years), salesman (6 years), Human Resource Manager (21 years) and college instructor (6 years), obviously college instructor along with HR Manager.Have loved John Wesley's theology since seminary and after leaving my work on a second "Masters" in John Wesley's theology, picked it up and began working through it for many times before it was published. It's title is "John Wesley, Natural Man, and the Isms"I am so lucky because it was a work of joy. Second book now published. It is "Wesley's Wars" and covers some of the theological battles John had with the doctrines of Original Sin, Predestination, Christian Perfection and with the Moravian Church and the Church of England.The most recent book is "To Whom It May Concern" and it is a work of many years and is a compilation of humorous events that have happened in and to our family, dealings we have had with others, events we have witnessed, the relations between siblings, and many other stories. I hope others will respond with the same words that Mary at the Lighthouse Bakery says: "Enjoy."In college was a Delta Tau Delta and have found Delt friends all over.Have three children, within a few miles of where Betty and I live (Glenda R. Sealy, Shawn R. Ewbank and Todd C. Ewbank).Enjoy reading, working on the lawn, teaching and preaching.Am active in St. Mark UMC, in Mobile, Alabama and have held many positions there. Am in the choir and also sing for Gloria Dei Chorale, an ecumenical chorale dedicated to joyful singing to God.You may find the books I have read on Goodreads.com, Cokesbury, Amazon, Facebook, and several other places.
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