"The Whistlebrass Horror" is Jack Keely's first novel. The story concerns the strange events that occur at Halloween in the misbegotten town of Whistlebrass, Vermont. The book includes many of Jack's illustrations. He and co-author, Briar Lee Mitchell are currently at work on a sequel, "The...
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"The Whistlebrass Horror" is Jack Keely's first novel. The story concerns the strange events that occur at Halloween in the misbegotten town of Whistlebrass, Vermont. The book includes many of Jack's illustrations. He and co-author, Briar Lee Mitchell are currently at work on a sequel, "The Whistlebrass Storm Watcher".Jack Keely received his bachelor's degree in illustration at Rhode Island School of Design, and obtained his master's degree at Cranbrook Academy of Art. He co-authored "The Outer Space Place" and "The Dinosaur Store" with Sylvia Branzei. He also illustrated many of Sylvia's books including the best-selling "Grossology" series. In addition, Jack has illustrated many other books by different authors.
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