A book about serial killers should not be boring but this one was.
I received this book as an audiobook for free via a LibraryThing giveaway in exchange for an honest review. This was, in fact, a well narrated book. The writing was good and the audible reader was decent. The stories were also rather interesting. The problem is that I was feeling depressed, parano...
Spoiler Alert!!! Robert Berdella: The True Story of the Kansas City Butcher by Jack Rosewood, Historical Serial Killers & Murderers, True Crime by Evil Killers Volume 5 detailed the monstrous tortures he inflicted on at least six victims. This is a brutal book & difficult to read. He dismembere...
The Waco Siege: An American Tragedy could not be anymore relevant to public discussion than it is right now, what with the current occupation of a Federal property in Oregon by an armed militia. The author does an excellent job of describing what happened at the Branch Davidian's complex. He does an...