Jack Williamson
Birth date: April 29, 1908
Died: November 10, 2006
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This was the second pair of the tête-bêche Ace Doubles I read from the set that I claimed from a giveaway bin, and like the first two-book combo I enjoyed it proved something of a mix in terms of quality. I started with Jack Williamson's Dome Around America, which I was eager to read given the autho...
The Reign of Wizardry by Jack WilliamsonS.E.: 4 of 5 starsThanks to the Sword and Sorcery Group on Goodreads continuing to sponsor group-reads, I re-discovered Jack Williamson who wrote fantasy from ~1930-2001. I tracked down The Reign of Wizardry (with the Frank Frazetta cover) and Golden Blood to ...
(Original Review, 1980-12-03)There is yet another possible method of time travel which was used in Williamson’s novel (made up of two novellas: “Legion of Time” and “After World’s End”). This version takes time travel to its logical conclusion when you take quantum mechanics into account. At any giv...
I finally finished this sucker. Far from being a page turner, I found it tedious. For me the novel has four big problems: the writing is bad, okay it's pulpy, it hasn't dated well, the main character who tells the story from a first person perspective is a fool that we NEVER sympathize with, and lyc...
There was much to appreciate here, but I didn't appreciate this book much. Aliens that aren't just humans in disguise, some discussion of the psychological impact of a technology that replicates you over interstellar distances and a Mysterious Giant Object which gets more weird the more you learn ...