This volume started off with a really strong first chapter. It was hilarious and campy.I was much less impressed with the rest of the volume, however. I went from enjoying the absurdism of the universe to cringing at the plot.Basically: teenagers are being used by the villain as batteries, and this ...
I like this series so far. I read Volume 1 a few years ago and then just never got around to reading any more. I find the style hard to look at sometimes. It feels very busy. I am enjoying all the references to other Marvel works and cameos (even if I don't understand all of them).
Yeah! Back to read about Kamala and her adventures as Ms. Marvel. This second volume had everything I ever wanted. We have Kamala trying to track down and stop The Inventor with an assist by X-Men, Wolverine. Wolverine was freaking hilarious in this comic and I cracked up a bunch of times watching h...
Kamala Khan has gotten better at juggling her life as a teenage girl with her secret identity as Ms. Marvel. She shoulders her responsibilities as well she can, even when being inundated both in school and in the media that her generation of teens are really just parasites on society, draining it of...
Parts of it were excellent some a bit meh but overall I enjoyed the read. I loved Wolverine and Kamala. It was interesting to see the source of her powers but I felt it was a bit of a cheat (and almost a "well you're not just this minority group, but this minority group too") though the talk with t...