by: Geno Salvatore, Kevin Hearne, Lev Grossman, Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, Daniel Abraham, Shawn Speakman, Jennifer Bosworth, Mark Lawrence, Blake Charlton, Peter V. Brett, R.A. Salvatore, Robert V.S. Redick, Michael J. Sullivan, Eldon Thompson, David Anthony Durham, Peter Orullian, Todd L...
I’ve just been on an adventure with Khai and Zariya. The desert sand is still wedged in creases, the sea salt adhering to my hair, and some jungle forest mystery patch is making it’s home in the shady part of my imagination. I’m a long time fan of Carey’s works but Starless may have surpassed them a...
Lots of pop culture references in here.It's a good wrap to the series, though some of the book feels too scattered. But that last battle rocked
I'm trying to read the books I have by favorite authors that I haven't read yet. Does that sentence make sense? So Daisy is hell-spawn (her mother is human, her father is a demon). She has a tail. She's in love with a werewolf who likes her but doesn't want to go aganist his clan. So she dat...
This end to the trilogy ups the stakes and fulfills the Chekov's gun of the last two books: the apocalypse. Where Daisy Johannsen was once merely acting as the supernatural equivalent of a small-town sheriff, the novel builds up the Agent of Hel until everything she loves is threatened. A minor plot...