An excited Mickey brings Rose, The Doctor and Jackie to the museum because he has a surprise for them. When Rose sees a statue of herself she cannot believe how the sculptor captured every last detail about her. It's not long before she realises that this means that she has to travel back to Ancie...
If you're in your forties, this book will probably feel a lot to you like the plot of The Last Starfighter. Desperate to gain an upper hand on the Mantodeans, the Quevvils, who look like giant porcupines have distributed a video game, promising humans vacations and fabulous prizes if they play it. I...
2.5 stars. Pretty enjoyable in general--with Rose making herself useful and all--but the parts with Mickey felt more like plot devices than really ¨believable¨ (as far things get believable in the Whoverse anyway), and the aliens were, uh, ridiculous. Not supposed to be, OK. Still. Giant porcupines ...
“Be careful, what you wish for…”“… you may get it.” Being a big fan of the Doctor Who relaunch in general and the 10th Doctor in particular and having studied Classical History my expectations for this book where really high. On the one hand I wished for characters I would recognise from the TV seri...