Jacqueline, known as Jackie to her friends, lives in rural southern Ohio with one lovable husband, one spoiled dog and one disinterested cat. She believes coffee is a food group and therefore necessary to her survival. She always has a pot brewing. When not writing, she can usually be found with...
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Jacqueline, known as Jackie to her friends, lives in rural southern Ohio with one lovable husband, one spoiled dog and one disinterested cat. She believes coffee is a food group and therefore necessary to her survival. She always has a pot brewing. When not writing, she can usually be found with her nose in someone else's book or working in her garden. She also spends a great deal of time chasing deer and rabbits who apparently also like gardening.Jackie loves hearing from her readers and is always willing to chat. She can be reached through her website, http://www.jacquelinerhoades.com/ or at jackie3049@gmail.com
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