Happy 64th birthday to Haruki Murakami! That this year may be the year he finally wins that Nobel Prize in Literature (average age of the winners is 64) ;) In honour of his birthday I read De broodjesroofverhalen, a little book compiling the two short 'bakery attack' stories. It was published in D...
In honour of his birthday (January 12th) I just had to read something by Murakami today.Despite being really short, I do love this little book. This short story is pure Murakami (but without many of his clichés), the illustrations by Kat Menschik are pretty cool and the translation (I read the Dutch...
Oh dear. Er valt bijzonder veel te zeggen over waar dit boek zelfs over gaat. Net als in veel van Murakami's andere werk komen er heel wat surrealistische elementen en andere werelden aan te pas, wat het geheel tegelijk intrigerend en verwarrend maakt. Vintage Murakami (in de stijl van De opwindvoge...
It took me quite some time to get through this book, and I almost gave up somewhere in the first half of the third part. At that point, the story seemed to have lost all its focus, mixing up too many storylines, too many characters, and too many loose ends. But I am glad that I persevered and made i...