I had never heard of Cordwainer Smith aka Paul Linebarger until I was introduced to the SF Masterworks list. The stories in this book are all part of Smith's Instrumentality of Mankind universe in the extreme far future. In this universe deep space interstellar travel is painful to man and drives hi...
This is another case of a big collection that took me a while to get through. I have been reading it on and off for a few months, which is something I often do with long anthologies like this. Having said that, this is a fine example of a science fiction classic. This volume collects the science fic...
(Written September 2010): I am at an impasse. I have an enormous pile of fiction on the To-Read pile but I can't figure out which one to go with - Mieville? Sabatini? Himes? Warner? Winterson? Kleist?, und so weiter.In the interim, while this existential struggle goes on, I have been rereading this ...