James Agee
Birth date: November 27, 1909
Died: May 16, 1955
James Agee's Books
WoW! I picked this up at the library, thinking it would be a quick and easy read.... Boy, was I wrong! It was written a long time ago and portrays another world that I really had no idea about! It definitely is NOT politically correct! It follows the lives of three white families who are tenants on ...
A friend reintroduced me to [a:Theodore Roethke|7531|Theodore Roethke|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1238753648p2/7531.jpg] a few weeks ago. His poems have a raw, fiercely unintellectualized emotion, as here in the poem "In a Dark Time":Dark, dark my light, and darker my desire. My soul, like som...
I was sent an ebook copy of this book in exchange of an honest review a few months ago. I wrote the review and was going to film a video for it, but after trying three times, I’ve given up. It just never turns out well, so I’m just going to post my written review.GoodReads summary:With James Agee, J...
James Agee died very suddenly in his early forties after he'd been working on this novel for several years. Those who published it posthumously had to piece it together as best they could, so there are some sections that don't quite fit where they were placed. However, this is still a very powerfu...
There are good reads that satisfy and are thoughtful and have lovely writing. And then there are the truly great reads that leave the reader longing to start the book over and reread it just as soon as one turns to the final paragraph. A Death in the Family is a great read.The story is very simple. ...