Parallax Red was an act of repetitiveness. Kane rushes head-first into dire situations. Brigid, for the main part, stays level-headed even under the threat of rape. Grant continues to fend off our albino lady-friend, Domi, and Lakeesh is only focused on the future of mankind to the detriment of his ...
So I came across these books in a box in our barn. I started idly leafing through it and became surprisingly engrossed. Surprising because even though I read a lot across genres, this is pretty much outside my wheelhouse. It is described as 'Men's Fiction/Action Adventure'. This is book 13 of ap...
I listened to the GraphicAudio version. The audio was awesome - full cast, music, background sounds. Like those old time radio shows. Really excellent sound production. The story itself was bad fiction. But I kept going back to it because I couldn't get enough of the cliches and rowdy sex scenes. Li...
Amusing bit of trivia. Golden Eagle Publishing, publisher of the Deathlands series, is a division of ... wait for it, Harlequin Enterprises LTD. Heh.Downrigger Drift is one in a loooong series of books following a group of adventures in post-apocalyptic America. As per its 1986, Cold War-esque origi...
For most of the way through the book I was giving this one two stars, and only the ending bumped it up to three as it was fun action-adventure fare with huge explosions and the main antagonist, who I must admit was very well written, got it in the neck.Directly on the heels of the previous book howe...