On The Night Border is a collection of dark stories that has a little something for everyone fond of horror fiction. Oftentimes a collection like this can feel repetitive and fatigue me so much that I need a break from it but that didn’t happen here. I never knew quite what I was getting into with e...
Sometimes an anthology has that lure, that pull, that innate ability to sink hooks beneath your flesh without you realizing it. While there are plenty of good horror anthologies out there, it takes a lot for one to grab hold of me like SHADOWS OVER MAIN STREET (VOLUME 2). It can seriously take me al...
I received this book via NetGalley to give an honest review. I actually thought I downloaded this book via NetGalley but it must not have went through so I bought the book instead as it was archived before I got to it. This is a book that I think the teenagers and YA will enjoy. They are random sh...
** E-Arc provided by NetGalley ** (4/12/15)
bookshelves: hardback, one-penny-wonder, under-500-ratings, georgian1714-1830, history, biography, spring-2015, bedside, nonfiction, tbr-busting-2015, paper-read, belgium, bettie-s-law-of-excitement-lost Read from June 25, 2014 to March 07, 2015 Happy Bunny, me. Nabbed a hardback, large print b...
This is another sample review. Anthologies are difficult to review because there are many different authors and quality of writing in them. A good editor, would of course, ensure that only quality stories made it into the anthology though. This was not the case. The sample provided one ful...
An attractively illustrated overview of the Norman kings of England, from Willie the Conq to Stephen the Inept.It's part of a series published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson in the 70s and 80s, edited by the redoubtable Antonia Fraser, authoress par excellance. The *popular* kings and queens got their *...