James Enge lives with his wife in northwest Ohio, where he teaches classics at a medium-sized public university. His short fiction has appeared in SWORDS AND DARK MAGIC (Harper, 2010), in the magazine BLACK GATE, in the upcoming anthology BLACKGUARDS (Ragnarok, 2015) and elsewhere. His previous...
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James Enge lives with his wife in northwest Ohio, where he teaches classics at a medium-sized public university. His short fiction has appeared in SWORDS AND DARK MAGIC (Harper, 2010), in the magazine BLACK GATE, in the upcoming anthology BLACKGUARDS (Ragnarok, 2015) and elsewhere. His previous novels are BLOOD OF AMBROSE (Pyr, 2009), which was listed on Locus magazine's Recommended Reading for 2009 and nominated for the World Fantasy Award in 2010, THIS CROOKED WAY (Pyr, 2009), and THE WOLF AGE (Pyr 2010). His current project is a trilogy, A Tournament of Shadows, of which the first two volumes have seen the light; the third (THE WIDE WORLD'S END) will be released in winter 2015.
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