Why? I mean, every time I think the terrible ideas have to get better, nope. Every time I think, 'well, at least it can't get worse,' it does. Wade Wilson feels guilt over killing an innocent women, takes her husband's name, and goes on to continue murdering people for money. Because, ye...
Deadpool wants, and tries to be a hero, quivers a bit, then tries to help a messiah that he's told will save humanity - but might really destroy it when he comes. The problem is that the whole thing is that Wilson is supposed to be a mercenary who cracks jokes, who takes money for kills because, y...
So, I love Iron Fist stories, but a collection like this, full of mini-series and one-shots, really highlights a weakness of the character as he's been used solo over the years. That is, Marvel mostly only knows how to tell roughly two solo Iron Fist stories. One, his origin (which, to my surprise...
I suppose this collection can best be described as "odd". It starts with Widdle Wade, a half-size Deadpool clone, and ends with the bizarre and pointless Baby's First Deadpool. In between is another long storyline, ending Kelly's run on the title. The end revelation that Deadpool is not Wade Wilson ...