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-Second reading: Oct 14, 2017-My next Austen rereading, almost 10 years after the first. Back then this was my first Austen, and I must've skipped the introduction to this edition as it now reveals new layers to the story to me.At first glance this novel appears to be a parody of classic gothic lite...
It seems to be the rage to love Jane Austen right now and for once, I completely agree with a fad. I love Jane Austen's writings. And I love them even more now having read this with my Brit Lit class. My professor was so enthusiastic about this book that it was pure pleasure to attend class each ...
Austen and I do not get along. Overall this is a feminist nightmare where all of the female characters are driven by and obsessed with marriage and catching a man. The characters are pretentious and dull, much like the plot. I'll have to take others' word for it regarding this being a romance, ther...
So when I was in school taking a mock-exam for Eng.Lit. I came across some questions about a passage from a Jane Austen novel. This was "unseen" i.e. had not been taught in class and I certainly hadn't read any Austen outside class. There was the option of writing an essay about something else - I h...
I don't know if I just haven't been in the mood for Austen lately or what, but this book was extremely difficult for me to get into at first. But then after about 80 pages or so I got really into it and absolutely fell in love! Also, after hearing about The Letter for years, it was lovely to finally...