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James Lovegrove
Birth date: December 24, 1965
James Lovegrove's Books
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Irresponsible Reader
Irresponsible Reader rated it 5 years ago
Inara gets these faraway looks -- don't know what t means, but I know not to ask. Still got the Tams on board, and Jayne hasn't tried to sell 'em out since we got those medical supplies on Osiris, so that's a plus. Shepherd's sill reading his book of fairytales. Zoë's still my first officer, and I w...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 6 years ago
As always with a set of stories this is a mixed bag, but there's a love of the stories of Sherlock Holmes that comes across from all of the stories. Little details like the Persian Slipper become stories. There's mashups from other stories (H G Wells War of the Worlds for example) and they often t...
Impulsive Reader
Impulsive Reader rated it 6 years ago
Full disclaimer: I love Sherlock Holmes, and I love That Bastard HP Lovecraft, and I love James Lovegrove. So this review is gunna be a little bit of a love fest, to be honest. So there are a few stories and such that combine HP and Sherlock, the most famous of which is Neil Gaiman's short story "...
Libromancer's Apprentice
Libromancer's Apprentice rated it 7 years ago
So... this book. I'm not sure if my ambivalence towards Sherlock Holmes made this book better or worse than it would be otherwise. There are some Holmes stories I greatly enjoy, others I don't care for. In this story I found Holmes a bit annoying. But what really bothered me was how early on t...
Books 'n Stuff
Books 'n Stuff rated it 9 years ago
Synopsis: Three novellas stories of how minor gods interact with humanity. Age of Anansi: The African trickster god, Anansi, recruits a vessel to ride along on for a convention of trickster gods, all of whom are competing for trickster bragging rights. Age of Satan: While attending a boarding sc...
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