With most of these stories only being a page and a half long, I can't much see the point of reviewing all or most of them (plus there's 80 of them and dude, I don't have that much time and wrestling's on tonight!). Therefore here's a list of authors I discovered and want to read more of thanks to ...
The rating is a compromise. The result of my conflicting sense that this is a landmark book that everyone interested in contemporary literature and professional writing should own--and well, the fact that I liked such a small percentage of these stories even a little. On the must-read/own side, at...
I've never read flash fiction before but I think sometimes the form says a lot even with its limited space. Some of the stories that had the most impact on me are: "Level" by Keith Scribner (p. 79) and "Currents" by Hannah Bottomy (p. 51). "Level" is my favourite, though, because unlike the majourit...
Generally very good and insightful essays, though I thought the last one was really a stretch.
I don't know that there's much to say about the story collection, other than it's very complete. There are several classics, by big-name authors: Updike, Carver ('Popular Mechanics' is one of my old faves), Hemingway. Pretty much something for everyone, and you may well find something that you would...
Certainly everything it advertises to be, 'Flash Fiction' compiles the best of the briefest of short stories by some of the top writers in the field. In the short amount of time that they have, the stories pack a lot of punch and have some powerful imagery that probably wouldn't sustain itself in a ...