For 32 pages of comic, I'm shocked to say that I DNF'd this one. I just couldn't...From the ham acting to the cheesy lines, to the annoying foot notes, there was just way too much trying to be done here to actually come together cohesively. It failed to impress, despite demons, a library, and a mob-...
The outrageous adventures of the interplanetary-traveling, dimension-jumping exploits of a pistol-packing, two-fisted, immortal librarian. Ridiculous fun.
Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Librarians! Fighting evil in significant ley-line locations since cuneiform*! With clever repartee and nerdy witticisms and so much worm food. Wally the Word Worm food, that is. (I met him here: Ex Libris: Confessions of a Common Reader)*Spell check knows c...
Eh. Neither the art, nor the character of Rex, nor the long text blocks in tiny type, nor the story really grabbed me. Too bad, because the concept is so appealing: it is Rex's job to bring overdue books from all over the universe back to their home in the world's greatest library, in Middleton.