“The Infidel Soldiers” by James Ross is a fascinating book. I have read James Ross’s books and I have always admired his amazing way of putting a story together. The book is very well written and filled with a mixture of suspense, horror, mystery, and terrifying evil.I was intrigued to the plot from...
“The Infidel Soldiers” by James Ross is a fascinating book. I have read James Ross’s books and I have always admired his amazing way of putting a story together. The book is very well written and filled with a mixture of suspense, horror, mystery, and terrifying evil. I was intrigued to the plot fro...
Jams and Roses’ FINDING HER FEET is the tale of a disintegrating family. After a horrific tragedy, the group must learn to live their lives in a different way. Some escape while others self-destruct to a tremendous point.My favorite character in the story is Gordon- the father. He soldiers through t...
Extremely England by Jams N Roses is a laugh out loud novella that I could not put down until the last page. I must admit I had difficulty reading it with tears of laughter blurring my vision. James has created a masterful classic that epitomises the class difference still pervasive in British socie...
The Infidel Soldiers by Jams N Roses is a no-holds barred, blood and guts WHAT IF scenario that will terrify us all. Fear is ramped up to the limit throughout this well-written and thoughtful expose of politics gone mad. Be prepared for a blood rush of strong feelings. This novel is a must read for ...
Finding Her Feet by Jams N. Roses is a rollercoaster ride of very strong emotions perfectly stylised by the pen of the author. The author could so easily have become bogged down in the mire that is Amanda's sorry life, but instead, he has uplifted this story to a level I have not before encountered....