This was entirely delightful. I've never read anything by Jane Aiken Hodge, although I've read The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by her sister, Joan. I finally broke down and bought this book for the kindle after reading my second Phyllis Whitney reissue, Black Amber, which I've not yet reviewed ove...
It's an interesting look at the life of the woman who founded the Regency Romance genre. All others in the genre owe a lot to this woman who did some serious research to ensure she had her details correct in the stories. I would have loved to see her library before it was dispersed. This looks behi...
I first became aware of Georgette Heyer 7 years ago while browsing in a downtown BORDERS bookstore one leisurely Sunday afternoon. I eyed her novel, [b:Beauvallet|822958|Beauvallet|Georgette Heyer||302154], a Mass Market Paperback, read what was ...
Biographies aren't really my thing, and biographies of authors I love? What if I find out something about them that colours how I feel when I read their books? That could be bad. So I picked at this book off and on over a few weeks, but I needn't have worried. Other than a feeling of baffled irritat...
An in-depth look at the life of Georgette Heyer, writer of a prodigious number of historical romances. Heyer was a well-read, stylish, very private woman who enjoyed a small but close circle of friends and family and researched her books meticulously.
Having now read a novel by Hodge I'm wondering if I really want this after all...