This novel had a lot of potential but very meagre delivery, sadly. Its strap line is "Four Weddings without the Funeral" but actually having a funeral might have been a good idea - as it would have inserted some much-needed gravitas into the general veneer of fluff.I think one of the main problems i...
Opening Line: “I live in fear of a four-letter word.”This was a great read, pretty much everything you’d want (and expect) from British chick-lit including an amusing and very relatable heroine, several hunky suitors and a movie worthy ending. It’s also well written and super entertaining; with many...
Okay, shocked at the ending but I didn't enjoy this book. I was massively disappointed in fact. I read Jane's latest book The Wish List last week and loved it. That was quickly followed by Girl On The Run which was fantastic, then My Single Friend which as I was reading it felt eerily similar to ano...
Hmm. A bit disappointed with this one if I'm honest. After reading [b:The Wish List|17156849|The Wish List|Jane Costello||23579212] and [b:Girl On The Run|10083474|Girl On The Run|Jane Costello|