Readable but just barely. Juddery, it reads like a series of short stories held together by a central theme. A family have a recessive for twins and shapeshifting, mix in shamanism, magic, hunters and some other paranormal. Turn of the 20th Century USA.
Anthology. 1.75 stars.1. Stolen Brides by Ashley Ladd. This paragraph is the reason I stopped reading the story: " She trembled when Davek's gaze roamed boldly over her, and she remembered the sizzle of his touch on her womanly core with every fiber of her being. When his gaze darkened on her ...
Is this the best collection of fairy tale retellings? No. The book is about half good and half bad. Stand out stories include:"Shall We Dance" by C. S. Friedman. This is story has a very good line about dung. Honest."Bitter Fruit" by Rosemary Edgehill. The type of spooky story you have to read...
Out of 20 short stories, only three didn't induce nausea or boredom. Rosemary Edghill's "Bitter Fruit: A Tale of Crownland" was a grown up and viscerally disturbing story about a woman who seeks justice. Scott William Carpenter's "Heart of Stone," in which a calculating Medusa experiments with wha...