I guess what I did not like about this book was that the author seems to jump in and out of poetic form which makes reading it a really pain. At one point she seems to be using rhyme and meter and all of the sudden she will break the flow and destroy the nature of the paragraph. Okay, I will admit t...
This is the one my brother Eric had when we were kids. I'm going to include this type of book in the upcoming chapter on Informational Books, so I'm looking closely at how the books use informational conventions, rhetoric, and formatting. The intent of the writing and the illustration is obviously t...
This was a total impulse purchase that I had come to regret. I just have SO MANY fairy and fairy tale books....truly more than any one human being should own. But I simply couldn't resist this lovely reprint of a beloved vintage book - illustrated by Garth Williams no less! And so it came to live wi...
One of my favorite books as a kid. The illustrations are so cozy and warm that they have staid with me through the years.