OK, enough of the Djimbi ex machina. I was hoping she could do a little something more for the dragons, but at least there was a nifty creature at the end. Poor Zarq, she never does get away from the crazy mom. I had a hard time keeping track of the creepy men, but at least the storyline was neve...
Zarq's saga continues, even a little more violent and crazy and venom-addled than before. I got a little confused on who was who at times, but they were all running for that big dragon ...
I was worried that this one would be overly grim - and it was in its way, but also adventurous and overwrought (without the glamour of the Kushiel series, this world is a bit more grotty) - and I *do* want to know the further adventures of Zarq the venom junkie. I hope she sets the dragons free!
A warning: If you're looking for some escapist fare a la a Pratchett novel, these 3 volumes are definitely not for you. Zarq's world is viciously misanthropic/misogynistic and our protagonist suffers degradation, rape and genital mutilation among other tortures before she succeeds in throwing off th...