by Tyler Whitesides
The story is simple, the idea is original and fun. G rated through out. I'm sure many 8-to-12-year-olds will enjoy it. I'm still on the lookout for awesome middle grade writing, though. Brandon Mull and Rick Riordan are pretty good, but every one else seems to feel the need to talk down to their a...
Great book for young reluctant readers. There is a great deal of action and intrigue. My son loved it. It's sort of like reading an action movie. Or as close as you can get.
Reviewed at (7/31/13)I’m not sure I’ve ever reviewed a middle grade title on this blog. I’m fairly certain I haven’t, even though I do read them from time to time (can we say hellloooo Percy Jackson?). I picked up books 1 and 2 in the serie...