Love Is Never Past Tense by Janna Yeshanova is a wonderful trip through the eventful life of the author. Her colourful descriptions of 1970s life in Odessa are so vivid I actually remember my own adventures during that period. She really got to grips with the way people talked back then and skilfull...
Love Is Never Past Tense by Janna Yeshanova is a wonderful trip through the eventful life of the author. Her colourful descriptions of 1970s life in Odessa are so vivid I actually remember my own adventures during that period. She really got to grips with the way people talked back then and skilfull...
This book, which is based on a true story, doesn’t read as an autobiography at all. That basically sums it up I’m very happy to say so. It tells the story of the author but not by the author and in no way telling. If that makes any sense. Let me explain this a little better. This book reads as if it...