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January Exposure - Sunny Benson
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January Exposure
by: (author)
4.83 120
Format: kindle
ASIN: 17404931
Publisher: Sunny Benson
Pages no: 266
Community Reviews
Reviews by Nobody Important
Reviews by Nobody Important rated it
5.0 January Exposure
What did you like most about the book? The fast page drama with tons of gritty variables.What did you like least? Rick, but every amazing book needs a villainWas location important to the story? For this story yes. Do not thing it would have been as interesting at any other location.Would you recom...
Page Turning Books
Page Turning Books rated it
5.0 January Exposure
Compare two of the characters in this book. Ellie - brains, driven, loner, plain, loner. Tandy - beautiful, kung fu queen , wife and mother.What part would you change in the story, and why? I would have a good guy in Ellie's life. Because she's tired of being alone and she deserves a family of her...
UK Book Club Reads
UK Book Club Reads rated it
5.0 January Exposure
What was the author's purpose or purposes in writing this book? To provide readers with an intriguing compelling, non-stop page turning read.If you could continue the story, what events would you include? I would have had Tandy adopt Clarissa's baby. Because it was already mentioned in the book.Lis...
Next Big Book Thing
Next Big Book Thing rated it
5.0 January Exposure
Tell about the most exciting part of the book. When Ellie was in the drug dealers house. Ellie was buying drugs. They wanted to party with her, but she doesn't do drugs. What did you enjoy about this book? The entire book was phenomenal. Really loved it.What have you read that is similar to this...
Farm Girl Books
Farm Girl Books rated it
5.0 January Exposure
If you could only save one character from the book, which one would it be and why? Grandpa, because I so enjoyed this character. He was so witty, a real gem. Have met a few grand grandpa's.Is the title a good one or a poor one and why? The title fits Fargo. Cold and deadly.Did you like the way th...
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