by Jaq D. Hawkins This one is what I call Old School Fantasy, but it's also Dark Fantasy in places. It kept coming to my attention and when a friend who said she didn't like it the first time she read it decided to read it again, that pushed me over the edge to give it a try. I enjoyed it. The p...
by Jaq D. Hawkins Although this is technically the second book in a series, it stands alone and could easily be read as the first book for those who like more action in their Fantasy instead of the exposition and world building that characterized the first book. It starts out with a young girl r...
All the books in this trilogy are supposed to be stand alone, but I think this one needs to be read with background information from at least one of the other two. It occurs a generation after Demoniac Dance and the children in that story have grown up, some even having children of their own. It's...
Wrapped up this series at last. The second book is still my favorite but I liked the way the ending on this one tied up a full circle. It was a good way to finish the series, though I'm going to miss that world. We need more old school Fantasy like this in new books. It's getting hard to find. I t...
This gem has been around for ten years, slowly gathering a cult following. It's unique, yet reminiscent of the kind of world building Fantasy that turned many of us into Fantasy geeks in the 60s and 70s. People who like authors like Tolkien, Weis and Hickman, Moorcock or Offutt will appreciate the j...
This is a wonderful Fantasy series for the sort of reader who enjoys extensive world building and interactions with mythological creatures. Much of it takes established mythology and forges new connections between different types of creatures, while taking us through some exciting adventures. Ther...
This gem has been around for ten years, slowly gathering a cult following. It's unique, yet reminiscent of the kind of world building Fantasy that turned many of us into Fantasy geeks in the 60s and 70s. People who like authors like Tolkien, Weis and Hickman, Moorcock or Offutt will appreciate the j...
This has never existed as a book. It was placed on Goodreads to flush out the trolls who were one starring books just to game the system, downvoting authors from a list for the sake of pure nastiness. Someone was a big enough loser to transfer it here, where this kind of game playing shouldn't exi...
Coming out of an opium induced hypnotic allure can be enjoyable or catastrophic depending on the conditions around the dragon at the time. Air pirates, riding an airship, lighter than air - looking for the goddess Aide, in an opium dream - find it exhilarating in a strong wind. This book tells of an...