[I received an e-copy of this book through NetGalley.]A collection of short stories with virtual reality, AI and technology themes in general. Despite the 'cyberpunk' flair, I agree with the curators: it's not so much cyberpunk in its original meaning, as dealing with various ideas that fit our curr...
The publisher also released a soundtrack to go with the book today if you want to read what I thought of it, click here. --- Heller insists in his Afterword that this is not a collection of Cyberpunk stories, and who am I to doubt him? Although it feels pretty punk to ignore the Editor/The Man. It s...
This book could be considered a satire on politics, or the intense 24 hour media scrutiny of pretty much everything in the news, or a call against overly processed foods. To me it was just a fun look on how a person from the early 20th century reacts to life in the 21st century. The one thing that I...
I am torn on the mashups, but technically this is not one - though it's published by Quirk. I liked Taft 2012, it was an interesting premise with moments of humor and a message.
An odd tirade against the processed food industry in the form of a light comedy about a resurrected president from a hundred years ago.
Given the current debacle of the Republican nomination for someone to stand toe to toe against Obama, this book is a timely delightful tale of 'what-ifs' of having the 27th US president doing a Rip Van Wrinkle and waking up in the present and contemplating old school politics in new clothes.It was a...
This book was a goodreads.com first read contest win.While I really wanted to like this book I had a hard time finishing it. To me so much of the book needed re-editing. The little bits of conversation between the chapters was very distracting. This book just seemed more of a sci-fi novel than any...