For those who have never heard of Jericho, it was a television show which aired from 2006-2008 and focused on a group of characters thrown together in a small town in the State of Kansas after a nuclear event in the United States. While the show was definitely post-apocalyptic in focus, dealt with t...
This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.The book is about Aiden Holmes and his father Don (letter is read about Don’s experience) and how they face this boogeyman named Brunderfold. Let me just say that Brunderfold was extremely creepy and scared the heck out of me in every scene ...
The art is different from the first book, but not in a way that I felt detracted from my enjoyment.The continuing adventures (written in a "day in the life" style) of this accidental hero are both grotesque and hilarious. The little peeks the afterword gives us into the history of our mysterious "a...