Challenge! Discovery by Jason M. Waltz S.E. rating: 4 of 5 stars Rogue Blades Entertainment has a great track record for delivering anthologies (Return of the Sword, Writing Fantasy Heroes,Rage of the Behemoth, and more). Challenge! Discovery is the 2017 edition, which posed a challenge: look at t...
“There is a monster for each of us to face. Some we conquer; some we flee; some we negotiate with; some we suffer; some we… become.” editor Jason M. Waltz. So opens Jason M. Waltz's introduction to Rage of the Behemoth--it is appropriate to quote it in this review of Vengeance is My Lord's: Tales of...
Wow! This book was better, and different, than expected. It isn't just another book on craft. It's barely even a reference guide. It has essays packed with valuable tips written by authors I love. Sure, a few of these were not in my niche, but the ones that were blew my mind. I could not recommend t...
I'm giving this book four stars because I enjoyed pretty much every word in it. So why not five? Because for the most part I did not come away from the book with any great insights that would change the course of my writing. It was a very entertaining read, especially Orson Scott Cards' section, ...
Solid, enjoyable adventure with one week section. The Stories in the ice monster section I could have done without. Overall, a bit long, so the antho would be more enjoyable for most spread out over time. Reading the stories back to back, their similarities cause them to blend together. There are a ...