I loved this. Holy crap. I loved this so much! The cover art of Frostbite caught my attention – reminded me strongly of one of my favorite sci-fi women – and so I grabbed it while I had a coffee at the local Barnes & Noble. I knew I wasn’t going to buy it, but I’m a quick enough reader that getting ...
Empty Zone gives is a gritty cyber-punk future set 80 years after a world-wide blackout. Corinne White is a relic from days when people trusted networks and remote storage for data, literally built to seek out and siphon off those digital secrets as a tool in a corporate espionage war.Now she lives...
I've read some graphic novels with amazing art, but this may be the best I've seen in a long, long time. At some times, it overwhelmed the story, in fact. Not that the story was bad, it was just that the art was so amazing, I was so enraptured by the art, that it overtook all narrative for me. ...
Man oh man, The Crooked Man is creepy. Hellboy just never goes sour...
I did not like the idea of the watcher in this part of series. The alternate planets give it a cool sound. Seeing Kitty Pride and Moon Knight was my only moments I cared for.The quirky dialogue is funny to read. Spider Man being the funniest this time around.
Petersen lets other authors have at some shorts. The plot takes place in a tavern where the bartender mouse (June). Runs a contest to the best story teller in return they won't have to pay there tab. LOL!-My favorite stories-A Bargain in the Dark by Ted NaifehOleg The Wise by Alex Sheikmanthe Raven ...
I love Mouse Guard. I always look forward to reading more.