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Jason Webster
Jason Webster was born in Mountain View, California, and educated at St John's College, Oxford, where he studied Arabic and Islamic History. After living in the US, Britain, Germany, Italy and Egypt, he moved to Spain in his early 20s. He owns a mountain farm in Castellón province, where he... show more

Jason Webster was born in Mountain View, California, and educated at St John's College, Oxford, where he studied Arabic and Islamic History. After living in the US, Britain, Germany, Italy and Egypt, he moved to Spain in his early 20s. He owns a mountain farm in Castellón province, where he plants oak trees, keeps bees, makes olive oil and distills liver-destroying firewater when not working on his new series of detective novels. He is married to the flamenco dancer Salud and they have two sons.
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shell pebble
shell pebble rated it 11 years ago
Webster's account of his journey to Spain in search of spiritual nourishment and escape from the dreary, unhealthy life of academia treats of his painful struggle to become a flamenco guitarist, and his encounters with aficionados, Gypsies and Travellers.Webster, naïve and at times irritating, is an...
To Shoot or Not to Shoot
To Shoot or Not to Shoot rated it 12 years ago
I have just read through other people's reviews and I agree with the couple of people who have left comments - I'm skipping over quite a lot of the civil war history parts (because I prefer to hear about them from a proper historian and not a cut and paste from other sources) and quite enjoying the ...
carey rated it 14 years ago
Fantastic setting, and learn't so much about bullfighting, within a great story and without being lectured on a stance either way. Great characters.
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