I read the first two volumes in this run a while back and had been meaning to catch up on her. The others are reviewed here: Volume 1, Volume 2, and Spider-Women.I finally got a chance to read this one and it was a good send off to the run. I'm not so excited that her run is over, but this is a grea...
And yet, there's no continuation, so it's still incredibly frustrating. Why can't I have TWO good Inhuman series? Not mini-series, but ongoing series. Is that really too much to ask? I mean, at this point, they should have kept Soule on for Royals...
But I don't. I mean, big, supposed-to-be emotional things happen and I'm like 'meh.' So, yeah. But the art is growing on me so there's that, and there's a hint that they might meet up with Black Bolt on Earth, so that should be... Well, I like Black Bolt. But I might cry if Ewing writes h...
This series has successfully gotten me to stop giving a fuck. The storyline is barely interesting me, the characters lack the depth of Black Bolt's series, and the art isn't nearly as good as Christian Ward's. So basically I'm going on because I'm Inhumans obsessed, but that can only take ...
Continuing to be as stupid as ever. I can't stop reading the train wreck that is Medusa/Gorgon though. I have to know how fucked up this is gonna get...