In a fantasy world that I love. I love how she's reconciled here: she's smart and strong-willed, and I want to know what happens to her. And I didn't have the energy to write long reviews, but I am done now.
There were a couple issues - single issues that were part of a longer run - that were almost nonsensical out of context. Since the other parts of those series didn't have X-23, or didn't revolve around her, they weren't used in this collection. All of that makes sense, although I would have pref...
With cartoony-type illustrations, this comic collection centres around Gemini, a superhero, who is controlled from afar and is not aware of his own secret identity. Things go pear-shaped and other super-heroes become involved. With plenty of action, fighting and a satisfactory conclusion, this comic...
I snatched this baby up as soon as I saw it was available at NetGalley. I really liked the first volume and I was looking forward to reading this to find out more about Clara. And, yes it was entertaining and action filled and you did get to know more about Clara, well a little more, but just as ...
So, I love Iron Fist stories, but a collection like this, full of mini-series and one-shots, really highlights a weakness of the character as he's been used solo over the years. That is, Marvel mostly only knows how to tell roughly two solo Iron Fist stories. One, his origin (which, to my surprise...
Single mother Clara Benson arrives at Copperhead, a grimy mining town on the edge of a backwater planet to work as the towns new sheriff. But she hasn't even settled in properly before she has to sort of a fight among a family of alien hillbillies.This graphic novel is great, especially now when I h...