by Allison Pearson, Claudine Richetin
I found Kate annoying. I think juggling a family, a career, and a social life is one of the hardest things to do but I know plenty of men and women who do it successfully. Unfortunately, Kate sacrificed her marriage and her kids for her job (not so successfully juggling.) She barely has time to talk...
Took me forever to "get into" this one, maybe because I spent most - if not the whole of my reading - thinking; "Okay, this is what a number of upper-middle class, white women with high-powered careers deal with, but what about the millions of working mothers that don't fall into those specific cate...
Kate doesn't learn her lesson the first time around. Also, it burns my biscuits when a woman says that women don't know anything until they pop out babies. BLECH.
On bedrest during my most difficult (and final!) [HAHAHAHAHA little did I know then - ed.] pregnancy last summer, a group of my girlfriends got together and sent me a care package of books, magazines, and activities for my two toddlers. One of the books was I Don't Know How She Does It: The Life of ...
Bridget Jones gets married and has children. Recommended.