A charming short novel, a little pathetic, a lot poignant, and utterly European. A translation from its native French, it tells a story of Guylain Vignolles, a lonely man who works for a book-pulping factory and hates his job with a passion. Every evening, when he cleans up his machine after a day o...
Nominiert für den diesjährigen LB- Leserpreis und international gefeierter Roman... und weil auch für mich das Vorlesen bzw. Vorgelesen-Bekommen etwas einzigartiges und magisches ist, musste ich dieses Buch unbedingt lesen. Danke an den dtv Verlag für das Rezensionsexemplar ♥ Titel: Die...
I received a copy of this book from the publishers and this is my honest review of the book. Guylain Vignolles dreads the journey to work every day. Working at a book pulping plant it breaks his heart to destroy the books that arrive by the lorry load. Each day on his way to the plant he reads aloud...