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As much as I disliked some of the female main character's choices, I really did enjoy this. I wish we got an epilogue of justice... where we find out what happened to the bad guy and hopefully how his life was ruined, and a big dose of wake-the-fuck-up for Christina's parents. I mean, they almost go...
Another great book. Although Chris and Bret had a lot of issues in the end they worked out everything. The thing I liked the most is the big family Bret is from. I love to read about families with lots of children. And the end was great - my favorite way to finish a story.
Very sweet and funny! I liked a lot the hero: his musings very really great! I felt really in good mood while reading this book!
Loved this book! Review soon!
Joint review with Lou originally posted here: Carina PressPublish Date: August 29thHow we got this book: NetGalleyLou: Nicole and I are big fans of sport romances, so when Nicole told me about this story, I ag...