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Crossing the ocean, Jane stayed on deck and watched the waves, even when the cold wind blew. She saw all the different blues and greens of the sea, and fish that glowed through the dark water. What I loved best about this little children’s book was the emphasis that was placed on Jane Goodall’s ...
11/29/2014 ** I first heard of Iqbal, a boy who dared to speak out against child slave labor in the carpet weaving industry, several years ago. Jeanette Winter, known for picture books about critical issues, has written a moving picture book about Iqbal and Malala - two Pakistani children daring to ...
I grew up watching Jane Goodall's documentary about chimpanzees. I absolutely loved it. It was truly Shakespearean in its scope - funny, shocking, tragic. Watching that film really had a big impact on the person I became - the choices I make and the way I view animals and our relationship with them....
A new genre? Prehistorical fiction? It's really hard to get into the mindset of a prehistorical society. Some of Miller's story seemed interesting and likely, and other bits had the current time written all over them. For example, the 'how was practice today' page made it seem like the boy had just ...
An interesting perspective on Emily Dickenson's life and poetry. Book starts out with Author's death and then her sister finds her poetry, and lets the poems explain her life.I didn't find the fact that she started with her death offensive. We are studying a lot of history and it's common knowledg...