Brainycat's 5 Bs:blood: 5boobs:5bombs: 3bondage: 4blasphemy: 4This is a fun little collection of mostly forgettable dark stories with adult themes. I wouldn't necessarily call them all 'erotic', as that's generally used for highbrow smut explicit and arousing sexuality, but all of these stories invo...
Anthology of erotic horror. I'll review the stories as I go.1. Three in the Side Pocket by Lawrence Block. Psycho killer meets prey at the bar. Short freaky story.2. The Seductress by Ramsey Campbell. This one was pretty good. Going back to his mom's house, Betty finds out Alastair has been d...
Dark Delicacies III: Haunted is a hard book for me to review. It was very well done technically, but I did not enjoy as many of the stories as I hoped I would. Fundamentally, this is because I don't really care for type of horror showcased in a good number of these stories. In fact, I felt a mil...
I would have given this a 4.5 if I could have. It was a great little group of stories that elicited many different emotions and actions. They are stories that combine a little sex with a little horror as the title states. I found myself facinated with the woman that through sex could take over her l...
Graham Masterton's HEROINE gets this anthology off to a bang with a chilling and powerful story of one woman's strength. Cliff wonders how Anne can be in two places at once but is so thrilled just to be with her he doesn't question her sudden appearances in his room. As her sexual demands get fierce...