So even seemingly thinking person could get it wrong. Germaine Greer was wrong about Princess Diana, and she is wrong about transgender women. She has become irrelevant and by attacking normal person, she made it to the newspaper. Big.Fucking. Deal. I would not read any of her books any mor...
This is a fantastic book. I, myself, am pro-choice already, but reading this book has made me more understanding about many of the issues surrounding the issue of abortion. I think it has helped me see the perspective of those who argue for pro-life and the importance of an open dialogue. The id...
I apologize in advance for the length of this review. As a pivotal sociological/feminist work, I felt it was incumbent upon me to be thorough. Overall, I found the work to be about 1/3 spot on; about 1/3 very dated; and 1/3 to be questionable in its argument. Of course, I have the benefit of hind...
Well written and well thought book about feminism and what extactly feminisn is. The authors take a good look at the various issues surronding the term. This edition inculdes updates from when the book was published in 2000. In some cases, the only complaint I have about the book is that in some ...
Perhaps some of this is dated, but other parts are not - this is particularly true about the chapter on language as well as the chapters about violence.It's nice reading this after reading her Shakespeare's Wife. You can see the connections.
I fear that readers who call this book "outdated" have failed to see the bigger picture: it was written more than 40 years ago in a time where the situation of women's (and men's too for that matter) rights was very different to what it is today; and it is in that light that this book should be see...
Very interesting and quite concise overview of US feminism and the differences of opinion not just between second and third wavers but also the different approaches inside the movements.
Sisterhood is powerful, the second-wave feminists of the 1960s and 70s declared. I have, and am, a sister, and I believe this; my sister and I are very good friends. But we haven't always had the easiest relationship - it's pretty unusual to have sisterhood without sibling rivalry. In Sisterhoo...