Time is a strange old fella, isn't it? It creeps up on you and changes you bit by bit until you the new you and the old you are barely more than strangers to one another. You can see time as a continuum, a line stretching from the past into the future, a long straight road to travel along with occ...
I lost interest so many times whilst reading this book that I would tend to give it one star, but I did enjoy some of the stories, so I decided upon two stars. A lot of readers seem to love this novel, but I just couldn't see what's to love about it. While there were a couple of interesting stories,...
Eine Kleptomanin auf einem Date, ein todkranker Rockstar, der eine Abschiedstour geben will, eine PR-Beraterin, die das Image eines Ex-Diktators aufpolieren soll... Es handelt sich hier zwar um eine Kurzgeschichtensammlung mit verschiedenen Protagonisten, aber ihre Lebenswege kreuzen sich an untersc...
I've seen this book around but never bothered to look into finding out what it's about. WELL, I recently heard Jennifer Egan (the author) speak about this book at the Boston Book Festival. She seemed like quite a lovely and interesting person, and the book sounds totally awesome. So, I think I will ...
The first chapter is a gem. I’m a sucker for shrink stories lately, so I could have read about a kleptomaniac (A) seeing her shrink for pages in a row, but it all finishes too soon, to introduce another character (B) in a new chapter. They are no stranger to each other, and there is hope, music kick...
I was really surprised by this book. Egan used the techniques well, without falling into post-modernist cliches. The interweaving of the characters and events really worked. Like the goopy, thick brushstrokes of an impressionist painter, we somehow see the subjects better through this type of len...