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Jennifer Estep
Jennifer Estep is a New York Times bestselling author, prowling the streets of her imagination in search of her next fantasy idea.Jennifer writes the Elemental Assassin adult urban fantasy series for Pocket. Books in the series are SPIDER'S BITE, WEB OF LIES, VENOM, TANGLED THREADS, SPIDER'S... show more

Jennifer Estep is a New York Times bestselling author, prowling the streets of her imagination in search of her next fantasy idea.Jennifer writes the Elemental Assassin adult urban fantasy series for Pocket. Books in the series are SPIDER'S BITE, WEB OF LIES, VENOM, TANGLED THREADS, SPIDER'S REVENGE, BY A THREAD, WIDOW'S WEB, DEADLY STING, and HEART OF VENOM.THREAD OF DEATH and KISS OF VENOM, both e-novellas, are also available. THE SPIDER, book #10, will be released on Dec. 24.Jennifer also writes the Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series for Kensington. Books in the series are TOUCH OF FROST, KISS OF FROST, DARK FROST, CRIMSON FROST, and MIDNIGHT FROST. KILLER FROST, the sixth and final book in the series, will be released on Feb. 25, 2014.FIRST FROST, a prequel e-story, is available, as is SPARTAN FROST, an e-novella. Jennifer is also the author of the Bigtime paranormal romance series. Books in the superhero-themed series are KARMA GIRL, HOT MAMA, JINX, and NIGHTINGALE. A KARMA GIRL CHRISTMAS, an e-novella, is also available.Excerpts, free short stories, and more information on Jennifer's books can be found at http://www.jenniferestep.com.
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Community Reviews
carolesrandomlife rated it 4 years ago
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.I am so glad that I finally read this book! I was lucky enough to receive an early copy of this book near its release date but it fell through the cracks somehow. As more time passed, I realized that I would need to refresh my memory of ...
99 problems, and a book ain't one
99 problems, and a book ain't one rated it 4 years ago
A sincere thank you to this book for being exactly what I needed to pull me out of this quarantine slump. I thoroughly enjoyed being back with this crew and the setting taking place at another gladiator event was perfection. It was like coming full circle. The Regalia Games did not disappoint. Evie ...
99 problems, and a book ain't one
99 problems, and a book ain't one rated it 5 years ago
I am so glad that this sequel was nearly as fun as the first book. Admittedly I was a little like Paloma in that I missed the gladiator life a bit in this one, but it was understandably absent and it had more than enough court drama and assassination attempts to keep you flying through the pages. Th...
99 problems, and a book ain't one
99 problems, and a book ain't one rated it 5 years ago
I read this one in day. It pretty much sucked me right in and I didn't want to put it down once I got going. I wish they'd be more careful with tag lines for books sometimes, 'Gladiator meets Game of Thrones' was very ambitious and while I can see some elements here, basically court politics and gla...
Angel's Guilty Pleasures
Angel's Guilty Pleasures rated it 5 years ago
Title: The Spider Series: Elemental Assassin #10 Author: Jennifer Estep Genre: Urban Fantasy Publisher: Pocket Books Release Date: December 24th 2013 Format: Paperback Pages: 381 Source: Library For the first time, the full origin story of Gin Blanco's transformation into the fearsome assassin...
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