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Babymouse is a larger-than-life character, and it’s easy to see the appeal of her series with its many wild imaginary scenarios (which were weirdly pastiche-y) coupled with relatable real-world experiences. I expected a little more fallout from Babymouse’s “forgotten” book report, but since the focu...
Last year around this same time I fell into a bit of a reading slump (yes, it happens to everyone) and I picked up a little comics selection called Comics Squad: Detention hoping that it would revive me. I'm happy to say that it did the trick. Thinking lightning might strike twice, I delved into Com...
In Babymouse: Our Hero, Babymouse tries to overcome her fear of dodgeball. During the story, Babymouse imagines herself as a hero who undergoes many trials, such as walking miles to school or becoming Babymouse-zilla, a monster who cannot be defeated by dodgeballs. The illustrations are cute and use...
Not my cup of tea, although I can see why it’s popular with kids.