I really liked this story! Trouble is, the author is re-releasing it this October so I'm not sure if I should review this version right now... decisions, decisions... later... :D
Amazon Freebie 11/29/2012
An interesting story that to my mind showed promise in a lot of areas. The beginning was really well written, and left me feeling like I was there. It drew me into the story quickly, and had I been reading this in a bookstore I would have left with it. I was a more than a little hesitant when the lo...
I am into fairy stories recently. Review to come!
Tab Bennett has lived her entire life without knowing who she really is. Then she starts having visions of a world that has been hidden from her. A world in which dark elves are trying to kill her, and the people she thought were her family are actually guardians, sent to protect her.After her mothe...
It's actually 3.5Wouldn't it be incredibly cool to find out after 24 years of living with your grandparent and sisters and cousins that everything was a lie. That you are actually a elvish princess and future queen promised to another, people that you thought were your family are actually your bodyg...
When I started reading this book, I (mistakenly) thought that is was a YA dark fantasy novel — it was a dark-fantasy-romance novel and not-at-all YA (if you know what I mean). Woops. Unfortunately, I am not a huge fan of romance novel tropes (perfect bodies, uncontrollable passions) so I skimmed tho...
This book has a gripping open. I dare you to read the first paragraph and NOT be pulled in by it:While my sister Rivers was dying, I was planting crocus bulbs in my front yard.While she was fighting for her life, I was thinking about how pretty the purple and yellow flowers would look poking up thr...