Jess is a writer (currently at work on a Christian-themed novel called Hearts Set Free), and manages a website devoted to the writings of George MacDonald,, which also sponsors the publication of books by Christian authors and seeks to raise money for a variety of charitable...
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Jess is a writer (currently at work on a Christian-themed novel called Hearts Set Free), and manages a website devoted to the writings of George MacDonald,, which also sponsors the publication of books by Christian authors and seeks to raise money for a variety of charitable causes, including Hope Unlimited's Teen Reach program. He serves on the board of directors of Alaska-based MYHouse, which helps homeless youth to become productive members of their communities. Jess lives in Camas, WA and can be reached at onesimus@worksofmacdonald.comEarlier in his life, Jess was a co-founder of several national wholesale and correspondent mortgage companies, including two of the first private-sector counterparts to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. He was the principal architect of the first rated adjustable-rate mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and the first limited partnership backed by subordinate MBS, and has created innovative methods of financing affordable housing. During the 1980's and 1990's, he published over forty books on the global financial markets. Jess recently served as editor of The Mortgage Professional's Handbook, Volumes I-III, which to date has raised over $80,000 for charities focused on finding a cure for ALS, helping the homeless, and assisting the families of seriously ill children to make their rent or mortgage payments.
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