Beschreibung des Buches: Das Genie hinter dem iPhone – Steve Jobs, der Mann mit der Zukunftsvision. Die Wetter-App auf unserem iPad sagt uns, was wir morgens anziehen sollen. Die Musik, die uns den Tag über begleitet, haben wir von iTunes. Und der Film, den wir abends schauen, ist von Pixar. Hinter ...
Julia Child is a wonder to us in America. She somehow managed to break every cultural norm for women of her time (she worked and lived independently for many years before marrying, she married yet never had children, and she created a fabulous career for herself as a chef and a tv personality) and s...
This lively, fun introduction to Julia Child would be more enjoyable with a better design. The pages are too cluttered!
Now this is an amazingly cool book. There's a cunning little cumulative tale about the building, finding, restoration of the sphinx, which will probably please quite young children. And then there's the explanation of all the people involved, all the specialized jobs, and that's appealing to adult...