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Admittedly, I don’t usually read and review children’s books, but I decided to make an exception because with my main blog Edith’s Miscellany I joined the Back to the Classics Challenge 2015 on Books and Chocolate and took it into my head to cover all twelve categories to make it more difficult. I p...
remember that book you read in your childhood? it was in hardcover, it was a bit dusty and used, and you had that feeling that you would like this book. and so you read it- and it had adventures and it was interesting and you couldn't stop reading that book (you read other books before, but that was...
The book that made me who I am today.The one that taught me to stand up for my friends. The book that showed me that Somethings you just HAVE to do, or else you are not a real human being, just a little speck of dirt. Of course, I read it in the original Swedish, but anyone who has half a mind of re...
This was my favorite book growing up. It's wonderful and magical. It's also breathtakingly beautiful. I would recommend this book to everyone. I think every child should read it.
I like that book, but it`s sad ;(