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Why it took me so long to read this book I have no idea. I remember when it came out I was dying to get my hands on it. I even went to Borders(may they rest in peace) to buy a copy and they didn't have it. Between then and now more books just got in the way so it took way too long for me to actually...
I had heard great things about Paradise before I started reading. This was one of those books I purchased a long time ago, but never really got around to reading until a few days ago. I am glad I read it--it was a great book--but it also pissed me off quite a bit. I'll get to that part in a few mome...
This is not just a book about music. It is also about standing up for yourself and going for your dreams. It had a bitter-sweet ending but that only made me love this book even more. Why did it took me so long to finish it? I have no idea because once I dived into the story I couldn't put it down.
Covers can be so deceiving at times; in the last few weeks I have come across several gorgeous covers, but the story hasn’t been worthwhile at all. I had my doubts when picking up Paradise, thinking it may be some light easy going read full with sexual banter, but the saying never judge a book by it...
$10 for Nook preorder 03/11/2012.